Trails Of Cultural Tradition And Colombian Cocoa
Valle Del Guamuez, also known as La Hormiga, is a territory of local knowledge, life and nature with its large areas of conservation. It is part of the Putumayo and San Miguel River basin and is located between the Andean foothills and the Amazon plain. There, an amalgamation of authentic experiences is combined, between the knowledge about cocoa cultivation and its areas of preserved natural wealth which harmoniously led its visitors to enjoy sightings, delicious traditional dishes and the possibility of waking up and enjoying a stay in the middle of the primary forest.
Essentials In Valle Del Guamez:
Cocoa crops: experience the entire cocoa transformation process, from harvesting to chocolate and the different gastronomic products derived from the cocoa base.
Wildlife watching: Among its trails of high conservation value there is the opportunity to observe primates and birds typical of the Amazon foothills, as well as enjoy getting to know a century-old ceiba tree.