Living Guaviare- Birds and something else

In this tour you will be with extensive experience guides  in the territory. Besides, you will have the opportunity to observe a great variety of birds, primates, amphibians and reptiles and many more species. Also, you will visit the most beautiful landscapes, passing through different ecosystems, giving you the opportunity of sharing with the local communities who are committed with the forest conservation and its associated species through nature tourism.

What's Included?
    •Transporte terrestre entre atracciones •Alimentación completa •Hidratación •Alojamiento
  • Gastos de comunidad •Guía profesional experto en naturaleza y patrimonio •Guía bilingüe •Seguro de accidentes •Actividades mencionadas en el itinerario
What's Not Included?
    •Consejos •Bebidas alcohólicas •Artículos o actividades no especificados en el programa  
    •Es importante llevar su documento de identidad constantemente •No llevar grandes sumas de dinero en efectivo •No llevar armas •Contar con las vacunas contra el tétanos y la fiebre amarilla, aplicadas al menos 15 días antes del viaje y portar el carnet de las vacunas aplicadas •Informar sobre alergias o requisitos adicionales sobre alimentos •Está prohibido participar del tour en estado de embriaguez o bajo los efectos de sustancias psicoactivas, no consumir alcohol y/o sustancias psicoactivas antes y durante el tour


Day 1 - Arrive and go to the Damas del Nare lagoon

On day 1, after having lunch, we will take the trocha ganadera for around 2,5 hours until the vereda Damas de Nare, it is possible that during the tour we’ll make stops for bird watching.

We will arrive at tienda cerrada where a member of Econare will be waiting for us to guide us during the walk to ECONARE where we’ll meet the Amaya Troncoso family; there we will get installed and will be able to accommodate our stuff in the resting area.

In the late afternoon, we will take the opportunity to appreciate the sunset over the lagoon and contemplate birds and other wildlife that will be searching for a place to sleep.

At the end of the day we will come back to the ECONARE house. Over 7:00 pm we can listen to Francisco Amaya who will tell us about the history of Econare while we have dinner.

Day 2 - Nare - return to San José del Guaviare - Cerro Azul

On day 2 we will get to wake up to the sound of the chirping birds so we can be ready by 6:00 am to have breakfast.

With a local person’s company you can learn the story about the special relationship that has been developed with “Tatis”, the tonina leader of the group and protagonist of many stories, besides the ability to recognize the family members that live in this lagoon. We will take lunch over 12:00 pm and start our journey back.

We will be arriving at San José del Guaviare at 4:30 pm, we will pass by the vereda Cerro Azul and to stay over in a campestral place. At 7:00 pm we will be enjoying a delicious dinner made by the locals and then we will have a night walk to end the day.

Day 3 - Path to Puerto Lucas - Cerro Azul

On day 3 we will wake up early in the morning for us to leave the inn by 6:00 am, we will then receive our breakfast that will be packaged so we can take it to the path. We will head to the Cerro Pinturas to the Rojas family’s house, there, we will meet Norbey Rojas who will accompany us to the path of Puerto Lucas so we can go bird watching. This path is located where the forests of sandstone rock outcrops, the mainland forests and the riparian forests meet, there we can watch anthills and piprids. At 12:00 we will head back to Noe Rojas’ house where we may enjoy a tasty lunch. At 1:00 pm we will meet an interpreter for the heritage of the Fantasías de Cerro Azul association who will be with us during the tour that will take approximately 3 hours to Cerro Pinturas, there we can appreciate huge panels of ancient rock paintings that have existed for over 12.000 years. With the help of a local we will learn about the story of this beautiful and magical place, besides we can be delighted by the birds and the natural cavern that we will encounter over our trip. By 5:00 pm we will be back at the Rojas’ house so we can take a 4x4 vehicle that will lead us back to San José del Guaviare. After getting installed in the hotel we will have dinner in the restaurant Catumare, then we may rest.

Day 4 - Path Los Alpes - Villa Marcella Nature Reserve

On day 4 we will exit the hotel at 5:00 am and then we will head to the vereda La Pizarra in a journey of approximately 1 hour, over 6:00 am we will begin our route in the path that is located on the Villa Marcela Natural Reserve property, where we can be delighted by the beautiful landscape of rocky outcrops of sandstones, then we will finish on a natural viewpoint. On this path we can encounter the gallito de roca (Rupicola rupicola), humming birds like the Phaethornis griseogularis, the golden jacamar and a great variety of tangaras. At 9:00 am, we will head back to the house, get ready and then take the flight back.


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